On Purpose

Why do I feel unaccomplished all the time? Why am I constantly questioning if I made a wrong turns in my travels? The confusion caused by chasing a dream while trying to fund it yourself is almost physically painful. The fear of complete failure is enough to whip the mentally weak and the undecided into a life of zombie-hood. I mean no disrespect to the technical minded i'm just saying if your going to do it, do it better than those that came before you. Don't settle, don't repeat another mans process until it becomes standard. Improve the damn thing. I believe all humans and animals have a purpose on this earth. If we didn't why did someone go through the trouble of creating us?

The Grass Ain't Greener On The Other Side It Died

Many people are of the cliche belief that the grass is greener on the other side. I see this belief heavily applied in the younger generations. I watch the children of the ghetto apply themselves and attempt to enter a life of opportunity while the children who were supplied spoons of some sort attempt to throw opportunity away and enter a life of unnecessary hardship. This post is to enlighten the privileged children of the world to their savage duty if they ever seek to live a life worthy of being described as "Civilized Savagery". Its also to let the unprivileged know to stay the course their hearts originally set out on because the sad truth is they know not what grass really is. Being raised in the concrete jungle it is difficult to spot healthy grass. 

The Burden of The Brutalized Is Not To Comfort The Bystander

Jesse Williams delivered an amazing acceptance speech for the Humanitarian Award at the BET awards. It was a speech that many needed to hear especially the divided black community. The media has taken to this speech in true media fashion by exhibiting a deluge of tepid support, vociferous hate, and a flurry of misunderstanding.

The Good Wolf(Big Juice)

I once sat upon a throne with a young king. I spoke with him at great lengths about life and the state of affairs. He spoke calmly but behind his calm voice was slight anger. Procrastination and slackness were no friends of his. He spoke like a father yet he had no children. He was a man forged in the fires of desire. Not the lustful kind but more the desire to soar higher than any others before him. 

The King told me a story... and the story goes:

Predetermined Success

-"For unto every one that hath shall be given,  and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken even that which he hath."

          - Matthew 25:29, King James Version

Enjoy The Ride

In life you have two choices pave your own road to the destination you seek or take another mans road and pay his tolls along the way. Some seek to travel the nicely paved path others like to explore and bore their own path. Your road can either be the single lane dirt road that you came up on or you can build a highway with your team. There are a lot of factors which help people decide what their destination is but one of the important questions we forget to answer for ourselves is "Whats more important the adventure or the ending?" As a savage I have fallen head over heels for the process. Its not where I'm headed its the route I take to get there.The trip builds character the destination only serves as a rest stop before the next destination. The trip is the struggle the destination defines success.

Don't Resemble your Environment Make It Resemble You

"A man once attempted to be the light in a world full of darkness. He decided to illuminate the dim lit back streets. After a while he felt the streets were too dark for his light to be seen. Not realizing the streets weren't any darker, the darkness had actually tarnished his light. The darkness had become so overwhelming he had actually started to resemble it."-Lobo